Special thanks to Mindzai Creative of Atlanta, Ga.
for being a genuinely awesome print sponsor!
That’s right, the kick-off for SoCon12 is JUST around the corner. Material has gone to the printers, the rooms have been reserved and details of logistics and all that fun conference-type-stuff is getting wrapped up. But, if you’re anything like the CSJournalism staff, you can’t wait to start networking, mingling and learning. Thanks to the advent of the interwebs many years ago, we’re happy to offer a sneak-peek at the schedule, break-out sessions and other tid bits only found in the conference agenda.
Enjoy, and we hope to see you Feb. 3-4, 2012.
- Staff, Center for Sustainable Journalism
Friday ‘Brews & News’ Networker and Fun-Raiser
Sweetwater Brewery – Atlanta, Ga.