About Us

Leonard Witt, Executive Director, Center for Sustainable Journalism (CSJ) at Kennesaw State University, holds the Robert D. Fowler Distinguished Chair in Communication at Kennesaw State University and was named an Eminent Scholar by the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia, Witt founded the Center for Sustainable Journalism at Kennesaw State University, thanks to a generous donation from the Harnisch Foundation.  The Center’s mission is to discover innovative ways to produce financially sustainable, high quality and ethically sound journalism, produce applied research, build collaborations and advance innovative projects to test the viability of community-supported journalism. His annual SoCon, social media, social networking conference at Kennesaw State draws about 300 metro Atlantans representing marketing, blogging, new and traditional media, academia, public relations, human resources and executive ranks.  He was a journalist for more than 25 years. Before entering academia in 2002, he was the executive director of the Minnesota Public Radio Civic Journalism Initiative.


Carole Arnold is the Marketing and Logistics Manager for the Center for Sustainable Journalism at Kennesaw State University. During her over fifteen years experience in the fields of marketing, administration and accounting, she has developed a versatile skill set including marketing communications and project management. She works on marketing initiatives and conferences for the Center’s projects. Ms. Arnold holds a Bachelor of Arts from University of South Florida in International Studies.


#SoCon12 on Twitter

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On Quaint, Atlanta-Area Attractions and Superb Education

On Quaint, Atlanta-Area Attractions and Superb Education

If you’re familiar with the Atlanta area you probably already know a good bit about the City of Ma…[more]

Social Media and the Law: How to Reduce Your Risk

Social Media and the Law: How to Reduce Your Risk

Social media and the law. It’s probably not something you think about everyday—or every twee…[more]